How to Fail a Plumbing Inspection – Family Dinners


The first way to fail is when your washer is linked to the wrong size the piping. Regulations dictate that you need two inch pipes, and not the previous normal of one and half-inch pipe. Standing pipes must be between 18 and 30 inches high.

Another cause is that there is no drill plate or safety plates to stop dry wall contractors from drilling into the plumbing lines. If this occurs the result could be water leaks in pipes, as well as water damage including mold and rot.

The third violation is if you use a sanitary T-line for your horizontal pipes. These sanitary T-lines are only intended to be used on horizontal pipes. A Y-line lessens resistance and causes less blockages.

You will be failing the check if your do not install a cleanout in the main stack of the plumbing pipes. Make sure you use a Y- or two-way cleanout. A straight coupling can result in an automatic failure. It should be easily reachable by the plumber.

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