Equipment Used by Excavation Companies – UNM Continuing Education

Businesses can assist them in getting established. There’s a wide range of devices used in excavation, both handheld and heavy-duty. The following video will explain how powerful some digging vehicles.

The second is a power shovel. This shovel has the ability to lift all sorts of soil. It is equipped with wheels as well as crawlers (tracks). These power shovels mounted with crawlers can have a low speed but are more stable in poor soil or other uneven terrain. Wheel-mounted power shovels are ideal for the quick transport of bulky materials across fairly smooth ground. They are available in various sizes , based on what you need to do.

A different tool for excavating is the backhoe. These machines are generally smaller than power shovels and are able to remove material below the ground. One major difference between a power shovel and a backhoe is the direction they dig. Backhoes dig towards vehicle, whereas the power shovel is able to dig away from the car.

Drag lines are the final part of the equipment that we’ll be discussing. These lines are bigger and are able to dig into large zones. Below is a video that will provide further details.
