Focus 101 Handling Interruptions in Life – FATA Online

. 2022 has brought many fresh ways to look at our daily lives. Our main focus should be on our phone wherever it may be. The management of time is a skill which we must strive to improve and learn to master. There is a lot of multitasking at every single job now, the seasoned employee has experienced their fair share of stressful interruptions and distractions during work. However, there are several mental and physical exercises we are able to do to be better in coping with interruptions at work. In this video, we will demonstrate some simple ways to make your hectic workday more enjoyable.

One of the most productive methods to use when you are confronted by interruption is to answer with “let me be the first to respond.” This allows you to adequately save whatever you’re working on and not disrupt your stream of thought. Instead of leaving in the middle of your thoughts, try closing the loop on the task at hand. Leave a note of the place you stopped before exploring a different area. Also, you can arrange an opportunity to meet with someone else that is caught up in work. This way, you can only concentrate on one thing in a single moment.
